Gynecomastia is due to imbalance in sex hormones estrogen and testosterone in the body. Males produce testosterone in there testes. When there is estrogen excess or deficiency of testosterone will lead to gynecomastia. Male breast increase in elderly due to testosterone deficiency Common causes in early age include testicular failure, liver and kidneys drug disorders, some drugs, anabolic steroids, obesity. In most people exact cause cannot be made out.
Pubertal Gyncecomastia will regress by itself in some males. But if you have problem since 10 -12 months some amount of fibrosis sets in which make it resistant to medical management. Many men have tried every form of intense chest exercises and low fat diets to alleviate their gynecomastia to no avail. Determination alone is not effective, and many men become frustrated by the amount of effort they’ve put forth. Only surgery can correct gynecomastia.
Medical treatments are available to treat gynecomastia, but data on their effectiveness are limited. No drugs have been approved by the FDA for the treatment of gynecomastia; however, medications that have been used to treat the condition include testiclular replacement in case of testicular failure (not effective in normal male ), few antioestrogen durgs such as tamoxifen. But drugs has lot of adverse effects we at surgiderma use medication in some situation such as severe pain during initial presentation or with very high grade gynecomastion to reduce the size so that surgical outcome is good.