During an abdominoplasty procedure, the skin over abdomen is elevated off the abdominal muscles, and excess skin and fat is removed from the lower portion of the skin flap. This is just the simplified explanation of the procedure. The remainder of abdominal skin still thick due to the fat, just lesser amount of fat. To achieve better contours, the redundant skin needs to be removed, and thus giving a tighter appearance to the abdomen. However, by not thinning the remaining skin, there will not be any improvement in muscular definition. If you don’t have skin that is thin and musculature that is well developed, abdominoplasty alone will have limited results. There will be substantial improvement in the contours but, it will be limited by the fact that the appearance will be very two dimensional – kind of like a sheet pulled flat down till taut. If you are one of those people with thin skin and a well developed musculature, then you will have more definition after an abdominoplasty naturally.